The City of Caldwell will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, August 4, 2021, at 6:00 PM at Park Place located at 619 W Central, Caldwell Kansas for the purpose of considering an application to be submitted to the Kansas Department of Commerce for Small Cities Community Development Block Grant funds under the Housing Category. A specific application to be discussed is minor or substantial rehabilitation including but not limited to weatherization, roofing, painting, siding electrical, plumbing, windows, doors, handicap access to and inside the house approximately 15 homes occupied by qualifying low to moderate-income families in an area generally bounded by the following tart area: South Side of West Avenue E, west side of North and South Webb, south side of West 1st Avenue and east side of Caldwell Boulevard the City of Caldwell, Kansas. The estimated project cost is $305,000.00 with a grant request of $300,000.00 of the project costs. Other project proposals introduced at the hearing will be considered. Oral and written comments will be recorded and become a part of Caldwell’s CDBG Citizen Participation Plan. Reasonable accommodation will be made available to persons with disabilities. The request should be submitted to Kristin Hutsler, City Clerk, or Leah Sommerhoff, City Administrator, by Friday, July 30, 2021.